Updates and errata:
Even with the publisher's crack editorial staff hard at work, goofy things slip through.

A couple of corrections:
•    Our pal Marcos Tello was referred to as Marcos Tellos
    A missing apostrophe in the word "Tello's" snowballed...  Sorry!
•    You probably also need to know that there are two Library Bars in     Los Angeles.  The television that we mentioned is at the other one.

Some updates:
•    We are totally bummed that the excellent Sambar in Seattle
        has closed.  Don't go there.
•    It also seems that Tar Pit in Los Angeles came and went
        rather quickly.  Don't go there.
•    Dragonfly in Cleveland is gone too.  Don't go there.
•    Beta by Sabor in Milwaukee is also gone.  Don't go there.
•    We also regret to inform you that there are no free hot dogs at  PKNY in Manhattan. 
        We were misinformed.  Annnnd... they're closing in July, 2013.  Don't go there.
•    The Museum of the American Cocktail in New Orleans is moving to a larger location nearby.
        They're due to reopen spring, 2013.  Go there.

©2012 James Teitelbaum all rights reserved.